《感谢》对话《I still here》中英

《感谢》对话《I still here》中英

2015-06-16    07'01''

主播: Youni陈木兮

295 44

我静静得待在原地 给我一支笔 让我为你写一首诗 我静静得待在原地 给我一种色彩 还你整片绚烂天空 我静静得待在原地 给我一双舞鞋 让我为你优雅起舞 我静静得待在原地 给我一支麦克风 用声音将你温暖相拥 我爱你 就是这么纯粹和简单 I still here Give me a pen ,I make a poem to you I still here Give me a color ,I make your sky colorful I still here Shall we dance ? I will dance for you I still here Just listen to me , how warm I want let you know I love you , just love you.