

2017-02-09    03'18''

主播: Youni陈木兮

222 12

I am Home. 我是家园 I give you comfort. 我是你温暖舒适的源泉 I shelter your family. 我为你和家人遮挡风雨 See me for who I am: home sweet home. 请看清我是谁:家园,温馨的家园 I am your refuge. 我是你的避难所 I am the floor that supports you. 我承载着你 The foundation that keeps you steady. 是助你稳固的基石 The walls that give you shelter. 是让你躲避风雨的墙垣 The roof that protects you. 是一直保护你的屋顶 I am your home. 我就是你的家园 If you don’t take care of me, I cannot take care of you. 可是,如果你不在乎我,我也将无法照顾你