你特别喜欢用I want?  其实很没礼貌

你特别喜欢用I want? 其实很没礼貌

2017-03-23    12'21''

主播: 不鱿

101 1

I want… native speaker like a little kid impolite rude I don't care about other people. I just care about what I want. Mummy,I want a new toy. I want to chocolate. 高级餐厅fine dining I would like… I'd like… Can/May/could I have… a steak formal 快餐 fast food I'll have a hamburger. A hamburger. 购物shopping Do you have any lady's bags? I'm looking for a new phone.Do you have any? I was wondering if you have any books. Can/Could I get one of those? I want to be happy. I want to be a teacher. I'd like to improve my English. I need to use the washroom. Can I go to the men's room? Can I go to the ladies' room? polite 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~