I don’t wear a lot of make-up to work so I just put on a little blush and a lightcolored lipstick, and skip the mascara and eye shadow. I put a few hot curlers in my hair and I’m ready for breakfast!
make-up 化妆品
put on make-up(wear make-up)化妆,涂化妆品
blush – a pink powder(粉末) put on a woman’s cheeks (the area between the eyes and the mouth 脸颊) 腮红
lipstick – a red, pink, brown, or orange color put on a woman’s lips 口红
lightcolored浅色的,light 浅(色)的,dark深(色)的
mascara – a black or brown liquid put on a woman’s eyelashes (the long hairsaround one’s eyes睫毛) 睫毛膏
eye shadow – a colored powder put on a woman’s eyelid (the skin above one’s eye 眼睑) 眼影
hot curlers – tubes of plastic that are heated and put in a woman’s hair to make the hair curly (not straight卷的) 卷发棒,卷发夹
eyebrow-眉毛,eyebrow powder 眉粉,eyebrow pencil眉笔
eyeliner -眼线笔