《How to make a splash in social media》 Alexis Ohanian
So, now, there are a lot of web 2.0 consultants who make a lot of money. In fact, they make their livings on this kind of stuff. I'm going to try and save you all the time and all the money and go through it in the next three minutes, so bear with me. Started a website back in 2005, with a few friends of mine, called Reddit.com. That's what you'd call a social news website.
嗯,现在,很多web 2.0 (注重用户交互的新型互联网应用)的技术顾问赚了大钱。 实际上,他们就是靠这东西为生的。 我会试着帮你节省点时间和钞票 在接下来的三分钟里关于这究竟是怎么回事,且听我一一道来。 我跟一群朋友在2005年建立了一个网站, 叫做Reddit.com。 这是一个社交型新闻网站。
Basically all that means is that the democratic front page is the best stuff on the web. You find some interesting content, say a TEDTalk, submit it to Reddit, and the community of your peers will vote it up if they like it, vote it down if they don't. And that creates the front page. It's always rising, falling, always changing. About a half million people visit every day. But this isn't about Reddit. This is actually about discovering new things that pop up on the web. Because in the last four years we've seen all kinds of memes, all kinds of trends get born right on our front page.
基本上就是说公共首页 上罗列的是目前网上风头最劲的东西。你找到一些好玩儿的, 比如说TEDTalk, 传到Reddit上,然后你的社区同好们 喜欢就顶,不喜欢就踩。 首页就是这么来的。升升降降,新闻总是在换。 每天大概有50万的点击量。但这不是Reddit本身的魅力。 这其实是大家对发掘网络上新鲜事的热情。 因为最近四年我们见到了各种各样的流行语 和潮流从我们的首页开始发扬光大。
But this isn't even about Reddit itself. It's actually about humpback whales. Well, okay, technically it's actually about Greenpeace, which is an environmental organization that wanted to stop the Japanese government on their whaling campaign. These humpback whales were getting killed. They wanted to put an end to it. And one of the ways they wanted to do it was to put a tracking chip inside one of these humpback whales. But to really kind of personify the movement, they wanted to name it.
但今天我要讲的不是有关Reddit。 是有关座头鲸的。 嗯,好吧,严格说来其实是有关Greenpeace(绿色和平), 一个环境保护组织,旨在阻止 日本政府的捕鲸运动。 那里的座头鲸正遭受杀戮。 他们想阻止这一切。途径之一 就是在这些座头鲸之一身上植入追踪芯片。 但为了使大家更有参与感,他们想为这只座头鲸命名。
So, in true web fashion they put together a poll where they had a bunch of very erudite, very thoughtful, cultured names. I believe this is a Farsi word for "immortal." I think this means "divine power of the ocean" in a Polynesian language. And then there was this: Mister Splashy Pants. (Laughter)
所以,遵循网络规则,他们发起了一场公投 包含很多非常高雅、深刻、有内涵的名字。我相信这是波斯语中的“不朽”。 我认为这个的意思是“海之神力” 一个波利尼西亚词。 然后就是这个了:喷水先生。 (笑声)
And this, this was special. Mister Pants, or Splashy, to his friends, was very popular on the Internet. In fact, someone on Reddit thought, "Oh, what a great thing, we should all vote this up." And, you know, Redditors responded and all agreed. So, the voting started and we actually got behind it ourselves. We changed our logo, for the day, from the alien to a Splashy, to sort of help the cause. And it wasn't long before other sites like Fark and Boing Boing and the rest of the Internet started saying, "Yes! We love Splashy Pants."
而这个,这个很特别。阿喷先生,或喷喷,因为朋友们的支持, 在网络上流行开来。 实际上,Reddit上的一些人认为, “哦,太棒了,我们该把它顶上去。” 然后,如你所知,Redditor(Reddit用户)们群起而顶之。 于是,选举开始,我们网站人员也在背后默默支持。 我们改变了网站徽标,把外星人 改成了喷水鲸鱼。 不久之后连Fark 和Boing Boing之类的网站都开始宣称 “是的!我们就爱喷水先生。”
So, it went from about five percent, which was when this meme started, to 70 percent at the end of voting. Which is pretty impressive right? We won! Mister Splashy Pantswas chosen. Hmm, just kidding. Okay. So, Greenpeace actually wasn't that crazy about it, because they wanted one of their more thoughtful names to win. So they said, "No, no, just kidding. We'll give it another week of voting."
所以,票数从刚开始的5%, 一路涨到投票结束时的70%。 很牛对吧?我们赢了!喷水先生 被选中了。嗯,开个玩笑。好吧。 其实,绿色和平并不喜欢这个名字。 他们想要个更有深意的名字。 所以他们说,“不,不,这太扯了。我们再投一个礼拜。”
Well, that got us a little angry. So, we changed it to Fightin' Splashy. (Laughter) And the Reddit community, really, and the rest of the internet, rather, really got behind this.Facebook groups were getting created. Facebook applications were getting created.The idea was, "Vote your conscience," vote for Mister Splashy Pants. And people were putting up signs in the real world -- (Laughter) -- about this whale. And this was the final vote. When all was cleared ... 78 percent of the votes, and to give you an idea of the landslide, the next highest name pulled in three. Okay?
好吧,我们有点不爽。 所以,我们把口号改成了“加油喷水先生”。 (笑声) 而且Reddit社区真的, 不如说整个互联网,真的都开始力挺它了。 Facebook上建立了新群组和新应用。 宗旨就是,“投良心票,” 投喷水先生票。 而且在现实世界里人们也贴起了这样的标志—— (笑声)—— 关于这条鲸鱼。 终于到了最后关头。形势明朗了... 78%高票当选,描述一下这场压倒性的胜利就是, 第二名只得到3%。了解了吧?
So, there was a clear lesson here. And that was that the Internet loves Mister Splashy Pants. Which is obvious. It's a great name. Everyone wants to hear their news anchor say, "Mister Splashy Pants." (Laughter) And I think that's what helped drive this. But what was cool was that the repercussions now for Greenpeace was, they created an entire marketing campaign around it. They sell Mister Splashy Pants shirts and pins.They even created an e-card so you could send your friend a dancing Splashy. But what was even more important was the fact that they actually accomplished their mission. The Japanese government called off their whaling expedition. Mission accomplished. Greenpeace was thrilled. The whales were happy. That's a quote.(Laughter)
所以很明显。 网民喜欢喷水先生。 这名字很棒。 大家都想在电视或广播上听到“喷水先生”。 (笑声) 我觉得这也是原动力之一。 但更酷的是现在绿色和平的对应, 他们将之彻底市场化了。 他们卖喷水先生T恤和胸章。 他们甚至开发了一种电子贺卡,让你可以把跳舞的喷水先生发给你的朋友。 但更重要的是他们真的 完成了他们的任务。日本政府叫停了 他们的捕鲸考察。使命达成。 绿色和平很激动。鲸鱼们很开心。引用一下。 (笑声)
And actually, Redditors in the Internet community were happy to participate, but they weren't whale lovers. A few of them certainly were. But we're talking about a lot of people who were just really interested and really caught up in this great meme, and in fact someone from Greenpeace came back on the site and thanked Reddit for its participation. But this wasn't really out of altruism. This was just out of interest in doing something cool.
实际上,网络社区中的Redditor们 喜欢凑热闹,但他们并不真的热爱鲸鱼。 可能有一些是。但大多数人 只是对这个热闹感兴趣并且趋之若鹜。 绿色和平的人到这个网站来 感谢Reddit们的参与。 但这种参与其实不是出于利他主义。只是大家都想做点很酷的事儿而已。
And this is kind of how the Internet works. This is that great big secret. Because the Internet provides this level playing field. Your link is just as good as your link, which is just as good as my link. As long as we have a browser, anyone can get to any website no matter how big a budget you have. That is, as long as you can keep net neutrality in place.
这就是互联网世界的规则。 这就是互联网的大秘密。因为网络提供了一个人人平等的游乐场。 你的链接和(转向另一观众)你的一样有价值, 我的也是一样。只要你有一个浏览器。 不管财力大小任何人都能访问任何网站。 只要网络能保持它的中立性。
The other important thing is that it costs nothing to get that content online now. There are so many great publishing tools that are available, it only takes a few minutes of your time now to actually produce something. And the cost of iteration is so cheap that you might as well give it a go.
另一个很重要的点是在网络上浏览内容现在不用花任何额外费用。 我们有太多厉害的网络发布工具。 现在几分钟就可以有所创造。 重复操作是如此简单,你也许会想也试一把。
And if you do, be genuine about it. Be honest. Be up front. And one of the great lessons that Greenpeace actually learned was that it's okay to lose control. It's okay to take yourself a little less seriously, given that, even though it's a very serious cause,you could ultimately achieve your final goal. And that's the final message that I want to share with all of you -- that you can do well online. But no longer is the message going to be coming from just the top down. If you want to succeed you've got to be okay to just lose control. Thank you. (Applause)
如果你真的想做,请保持真诚。请实话实说。请敏锐前卫。 而且绿色和平实际上学到了很重要的一课 那就是失控其实没什么大不了。 不把自己太当回事也没什么大不了。 了解了这个,即使这本身是挺不得了的道理, 你最终就能实现你的目标。 这也是我想与大家分享的最后一个秘诀—— 就是上网也能做大事。 但秘诀并不再是大人物掌控一切。 若想成功,面对失控的情形你要心态平和。 谢谢大家。 (掌声)