

2016-11-16    08'47''

主播: 蟋蟀英语Rick老师

191 3

28 Do You Like Some Mustard The Smiths and the Clarks go into a Japanese restaurant. There are a lot of people there. A waiter wearing Japanese kimono comes to them and gives them a list of food. There are so many on the list. They find it difficult to make the decision. The waiter asks: "Do you like some vegetables? We have broccoli today. It's very nice." Mr. Smith says: "OK, We'd like broccoli and salad. Do you have fish? “Yes, of course." answers the waiter, "Do you like some mustard on it?" "No, thanks. It is too hot. " 史密斯夫妇和克拉克夫妇进了一家日本餐馆。里面人很多。一个穿着日本和服的服务生向他们走过来,给了他们一份菜单。菜单上的选择太多了,他们觉得很难做出决定。于是服务生问他们:“你们想要点蔬菜吗?我们今天有花椰菜供应。非常好吃。”史密斯先生说:“好吧,我们要份花椰菜和沙拉。你们有鱼吗?”“当然有。”服务生回答,“需要在鱼上放些芥末吗?”“不,谢谢。它太辣了。” restaurant ['restrɒnt] n. 餐馆 wear [weə] vt. 穿着 kimono [kɪ'məʊnəʊ] n. 和服 decision [dɪ'sɪʒn] n. 决定 broccoli [ˈbrɒkəli] n. 花椰菜 salad ['sæləd] n. 沙拉 mustard ['mʌstəd] n. 芥末 hot [hɒt] adj. 辣的