

2020-05-05    06'07''

主播: 1331920

1262 10

各位听众朋友们大家好,这里是河南师范大学新联学院英语广播电台,我是主播Ammo.在家宅久了真的很烦很抑郁,总觉得一天啥也没干就过去了。你们会不会也有同样的感受?为了提升自我价值感受,这里我搜罗了一些好的小小建议,听众朋友们姑且听听,试试看。 First, the food has to be prepared. Make it by ourselves is not only clean ,hygienic, we can also experience the fun of cooking. Bake cookies, cakes of small snacks. Wouldn’t it be nice to cook and eat for a few days at a time? 第一美食要做起来。自己做的不仅干净卫生,还能体验做饭的乐趣。烤点饼干、蛋糕类的小零食,做一次吃几天美滋滋。 Clean up. A clean and tidy environment makes people happy. How is your room? Clear out the things you don't need, organize your clothes, books and clutter, and you'll find that your room is much bigger. 打扫卫生。干净整洁的环境让人心情愉悦,你的房间怎么样呀?清理掉不需要的东西,整理衣物书籍杂物,你会发现,房间大了许多。 Give your home a new look. new style ,new mentality! Organize all the photos you've taken. Sort by event or place, you can remember the past by the way. 给家里布置个新风格。新风格新心态!整理一下你拍过的所有照片。按照事件或者地点分类,顺便回忆一下过去哦~ You can do something by hand. Raise little flowers and grass. Look at the small vitality of life, they are also very happy, a lot of green plants can also prevent radiation ~ 可以做做手工呀。养点小花小草。看着小生命生机勃勃,自己也很开心,很多绿植还可以防辐射~ There is a good morning wake on Keep for beginners. It is recommended to meditate for half an hour first. Aerobic exercise. If you can, go out for a run, it will be very comfortable. Keep上有一个瑜伽·晨间唤醒不错,适合初学者。建议先冥想半个小时。有氧运动。如果可以,出门跑跑步,健康又舒服。 Go out for a walk when the weather is fine, the streets without pedestrians and the scenery is very beautiful! Get some sun. Especially in spring, the sun is warm, not only killing bacteria, but also strengthening the immune system. 天气好的时候出门散散步,没有行人的街道和风景很漂亮的!勤晒太阳。尤其春天的阳光很温暖,不仅杀菌,还可增强免疫系统。 How long has it been since you've written?Write a long summary, Your plans for the next one to five years. In the face of employment people can understand the market in advance 。 你有多久没有写点文字啦?写一份长长的总结,未来一年到五年的规划,面对就业的人可以提前了解一下行情。 读完你收藏过的文章和资料。那些当年你还没看就顺手收藏或保存的文章,此时不看何时看? Reading a book. Novels, magazines, comics, classics... If looking sleepy before going to bed to read it for a while ~ read the book might as well write a reading note ~ Learn bookkeeping. Do you have any idea how much money you've spent? Have you overspent? Do you earn it back? 看书。小说、杂志、漫画、名著……如果看着瞌睡就睡前读一会吧~看过的书不妨再写个读书笔记~ 学习记账。你花过的钱心里有数吗?超支了吗?赚的回来吗? Today share this, is to let you in the epidemic this special time, in the net class and homework in the gap, although is at home, can still be full of achievements, full of vitality, all the little activities are to enrich ourselves, to make ourselves better . 今天分享这个,是想要让大家在疫情这个特殊的时间里,在网课和作业的空隙中,尽管是在家里,也依旧可以成就满满,元气满满,所有的小小活动都是为了充实自己,让自己变得更好呀,冲鸭!