

2017-06-24    05'05''

主播: 水木清华studio

343 1

第十四天 What's John like?约翰这个人怎么样? He is a good guy.他是一个好人。 I don't get along well with John.我和约翰相处的不好。 I don't like John,because he is selfish.我不喜欢约翰,因为他很自私。 He doesn't care about anyone but himself.他只在乎他自己。 He has no sense of responsibility.他一点责任心都没有。 He is wise for his age.他虽年轻,却很博学。 He looks younger than I do.他看起来比我年轻。 He knows a lot of people.他交际很广。