🎈Marry me tonight「Royal Hotel」

🎈Marry me tonight「Royal Hotel」

2016-05-26    02'30''

主播: 阿呆萌萌姐姐

1289 29

Under the bridge by the royal hotel 就在皇家酒店旁边的桥下 I held you there while the stars they fell 星光坠落间 我拥你入怀 and the night wrapped its arms 漫长的夜晚 around this fleeting affair 把这短暂的恋情拥入它的臂弯 though it tries to keep us there 而我们却将滞留于此时此地 Oh the streetlamp covered us in its dirty gold 哦那街灯也将我们笼罩在一片昏黄之中 and your lips were hot against the cold 而你的双唇是如此火热 足以抵抗这寒冷 and your hair a black raven 你的长发乌黑 如瀑布一般 into my hands it fell 于我的手掌间滑落 under the bridge by the royal hotel 就在皇家酒店旁边的桥下 Oh marry me tonight 哦今夜就嫁给我吧 and the moon will be our ring 那朗朗明月将成为我们的婚戒 and cover you in white 为你披上白纱 and soot drawn from the rain 烟尘也从雨中飘离 and though you say you wish to be 尽管你口中说着 the night next to my day 你愿成为黑夜 与我生命中的白天相依相续 Still you fly away 你却还是离我而去 why don't you stay 为何不留下来呢 Under the bridge by the royal hotel 就在皇家酒店旁边的桥下 I held you there while the stars they fell 星光坠落间 我拥你入怀 and maybe we got lucky 也许我们幸运至极 like two pennies in a well 如同许愿池中的两枚硬币 under the bridge by the royal hotel 就在皇家酒店旁边的桥下 Marry me tonight 今晚就嫁给我吧 and the moon will be our ring 那朗朗明月将成为我们的婚戒 and cover you in white 为你披上白纱 and soot drawn from the rain 烟尘也从雨中飘离 and though you say you wish to be 尽管你口中说着 the night next to my day 你愿成为黑夜 与我生命中的白天相依相续 Still you fly away 你却还是离我而去 why don't you stay 为何不留下来呢 We danced a broken tango by the wall 沿着城墙 我们共舞一曲破碎的探戈 and the barkeeps pouring tears 酒保们正黯然垂泪 and there's goasts up in the hall 鬼魂们则游走于厅堂 and the piano in the montage 蒙太奇画中的旧钢琴 knew it all along 对这一切早已了然 Sometimes love 可是爱情 doesn't last that long 有时却并不会持续那么久 On room 19 a man is about to cheat 在19号房间 一个男人即将留下谎言 on room 05 her vows are on the sheet 在05号房间 她的誓言遗留在床单上 Yes and outside on the sidewalk 而你 却在外面的人行道上 you've left a lasting spell 留下了永恒的魔力 under the bridge by the royal 就在那皇家酒店旁边的… under the bridge by the royal 就在那皇家酒店旁边的… under the bridge by the royal hotel 就在那皇家酒店旁边的桥下