All This Time(Maria Mena)

All This Time(Maria Mena)

2016-05-07    03'16''

主播: 多穿几双鞋

2281 57

You self destructive 别自暴自弃 Little girl 小妞 Pick yourself up 振作起来 Don't blame the world 没啥可抱怨的 So you screwed up 虽然这次玩儿大了 But you're gonna be ok 可一切都会好起来的 Now call your boyfriend 给那家伙打个电话吧 And apologize 道个歉不就完了呗 You pushed him pretty far 你把他拒之千里 Away last night 在昨晚 He really loves you 但他还是真的挺爱你的 You just don't always love yourself 只是你老爱发神经 All this time 一直以来 All this time 这么长时间过去了 You've had it in you 你的内心早已强大 You just sometimes need a push 道理你一直明白 快去做就是了 All this time 一直以来 All this time 这么长时间过去了 You've had it in you 你的内心早已强大 You just sometimes need a push 道理你一直明白,快去做就是了 Think all the mean girls 想想那些小婊砸 That pulled your hair 她们扯过你头发 Are barefoot now 正打着个赤脚 And pregnant there 挺着个大肚子 And you write pop songs 而你哼着小曲 And get to travel around the world 去到处溜达 All this time 一直以来 All this time 这么长时间过去了 You've had it in you 你的内心早已强大 You just sometimes need a push 道理你一直明白 快去做就是了 All this time 一直以来 All this time 这么长时间过去了 You've had it in you 你的内心早已强大 You just sometimes need a push 道理你一直明白,快去做就是了 So you've had some detours 所以虽然过去走了点弯路 Some stupid men 遇人不淑 Now we know what not to do again 但是咱吃一堑长一智 Besides you lucked out 努力的向前看 Finally 毕竟咱还算幸运嘛 All this time 一直以来 All this time 这么长时间过去了 You've had it in you 你的内心早已强大 You just sometimes need a push 道理你一直明白,快去做就是了 All this time 一直以来 All this time 这么长时间过去了 You've had it in you 你的内心早已强大 You just sometimes need a push 道理你一直明白,快去做就是了 All this time 一直以来 All this time 这么长时间过去了 You've had it in you 你的内心早已强大 You just sometimes need a push 道理你一直明白,快去做就是了