

2023-05-21    25'16''

主播: Ms ZHANG🌟

207 2

当战争来到时,普通人民中的一员厄苏拉感到了深深地绝望。 She told Frieda how she would walk on knives to protect her, burn in the flames of hell to save her, drown in the deepest of waters if it would buoy her up and how she would do this one last thing for her, the most difficult thing of all. 除了主动带着弗里妲拥抱死亡,厄苏拉想不到还能为女儿做什么,在战争中,死亡变得不那么可怕了:I run to death meets me as fast, And all my pleasures are like yesterday.
上一期: 生命不息27
下一期: 生命不息29