

2014-08-30    04'20''

主播: 千鸟之月

697 73

瑞德 Rhett! 斯卡莉, 我亲爱的小妹 Scarlett! My dear little sister. 别紧张, 下士 lt's all right, Corporal. 我妹妹并没有帮我 带尖刀或锯子 My sister has brought me no files or saws. 我能吻你吗? Can l really kiss you now? 像好哥哥一样吻在额上吧 On the forehead like a good brother. 谢了, 那等下次吧 No, thanks.l'll wait and hope for better things. 当我听到你被关的消息 我真是好担心 Oh, Rhett, l was so distressed when l heard you were in jail. 他们真会吊死你吗? l simply couldn't sleep for thinking. Lt's not true, they're going to hang you? 你会伤心吗? Would you be sorry? 瑞德... 别担心 Oh, Rhett! Well, don't worry, yet. 北佬感兴趣的是我的钱 They have plotted some charge against me... but they're really after my money. 他们以为我偷了南方的财政部 They think l made off with the Confederate Treasury. 是吗? Well, did you? 为什么这么问? What a leading question. 我们别谈钱的事情 But let's not talk about sordid things like money. 你特地来看我真是太好了 How good of you to come and see me. 你真漂亮 And how pretty you look. 瑞德, 别再取笑 我这乡下女孩了 Oh, Rhett, how you do run on, teasing a country girl like me. 谢天谢地 还好你不是穿破衣来 Thank heavens you're not in rags. 我看厌了穿着破衣的女人 l'm tired of seeing women in rags. 转个身 Turn around. 你真是位美人 看来过得也挺写意 Marvelous! You look good enough to eat.And prosperous, too. 我一直过得很好 Thank you, l've been doing very well. 只是我感到无聊 Everybody's doing well at Tara, only... l got so bored 所以想到城里玩玩解闷 I just thought l'd treat myself to a visit to town. 你真没心肝 不过这也是你的魅力 You're a heartless creature.But that's part of your charm. 你真是迷人到不行 You know you've got more charm than the law allows. 我来这里不是要谈论我的 Now l didn't come hereto talk silliness about me, Rhett. 想到你有麻烦我好难过 l came because l was so miserable at the thought of you in trouble. 当然, 我还没有原谅你 把我丢在回泰拉路上的事 l was mad at you the night you left meon the road to Tara... and l still haven't forgiven you. 斯卡莉, 快别这么说 Oh, Scarlett, don't say that. 我能活到今天 都是因为你的缘故 Well, l must admit l might not be alive, now, only for you. 当我想到自己应有尽有 无忧无虑 And when l think of myself with everything l could possibly hope for... 而你却在监狱里 and not a care in the world, and you here in this horrid jail... 而且还是关马的监狱 and not even a human jail, Rhett, a horse jail. 我虽设法想说些笑话 Oh, listen to me tryingto make jokes when... 但其实我很想哭 when l really want to cry. 我真忍不住要哭出来 ln a minute l shall cry. 斯卡莉, 这是可能的吗? Scarlett, can it be possible that.... 什么有没有可能? Can what be possible, Rhett? 你居然有了颗女人的心 That you've grown a woman's heart, a real woman's heart? 我有, 瑞德 l have, Rhett. 我知道我有的 l know l have. 听你这么说 就算关在牢里也值得 You know, it's worth being in jail just to hear you say that. 一切都值得了 lt's well worth it. 你真是骗死人不偿命 You can drop the moonlight and magnolias, Scarlett. 你在泰拉 不是过得很好吗? So things have been going wellat Tara, have they? 是啊... 那么你的双手是怎么了? What have you done with your hands? 只不过是骑马没戴手套罢了 L went riding last week without my gloves. 这不是属于养尊处优女人的手 These don't belong to a lady.You've worked with them like a field hand. 为什么对我说谎? Why did you lie? What are you up to? 瑞德...... 我差点相信你真的关心我 Ln another minute l'd have believedyou cared something. 但我是真的关心你 But l do care. 你有求于我 甚至不惜大费周章骗我 Suppose we get down to the truth.You want something from me badly enoughto put on quite a show in your velvets. 你有何求?是不是钱? What is it? Money? 我需要三百元付税金 L want $300 to pay the taxes on Tara. 我说一切很好的确是骗你 l did lie to youwhen l said everything was all right. 事情已经糟到不行了 Things are just as bad as they possibly could be. 而你有数百万元, 瑞德 And you've got millions, Rhett. 你有什么担保品?What collateral are you offering? 我的耳环... 我没兴趣 My earbobs.-Not interested. 泰拉的抵押权... 我要农场干什么? A mortgage on Tara. What would l do with a farm? 你不会赔的 我可以用明年的棉花收成抵帐 You wouldn't lose.l'd pay you back out of next year's cotton. 那还不够 你没有其他更好的? Not good enough.Have you nothing better? 你说过你爱我 You once said you loved me. 如果你还爱我, 瑞德... lf you still love me, Rhett.... 你忘了, 我是个不结婚的男人 You haven't forgotten that l'm not a marrying man. 不, 我没忘记 No, l haven't forgotten. 你不值三百元 You're not worth $300. 你只会带给男人痛苦 You'll never mean anything but misery to any man. 尽量侮辱我吧! 只要借我那笔钱就行 Go on, insult me. l don't care what you say, only give me the money. 只要我剩一口气 我就不放弃泰拉 l won't let Tara go. l can't let it go while there's a breath left in my body.