【蒂凡尼的早餐-经典瞬间】People do fall in love.

【蒂凡尼的早餐-经典瞬间】People do fall in love.

2014-09-17    00'49''

主播: 千鸟之月

4434 122

【经典瞬间】People do fall in love,people do belong to eachother,that's the only chance anybody's got real happiness. 在的士上,保罗和霍莉发生争吵,霍莉对于保罗的朴实无华的爱始终不敢于面对和接受,豪门梦破灭的她心灰意懒,保罗气愤的让司机停车,下了的士,在雨中对车上的霍莉说: “You knowwhat's wrong with you, Miss whoever-you-are? You're chicken. You got no guts.You're afraid to say: "OK, life's a fact." People do fall in love.People do belong to each other, ]because that's the only chance anybody's gotfor real happiness. You call yourself a free spirit, a wild thing. ]And you'reterrified somebody's going to stick you in a cage. Well, baby, you're alreadyin that cage. You built it yourself. And it's not bounded on the west by Tulip,Texas or on the east by Somaliland.It's wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just stand uprunning into yourself. Here, I've been carrying this thing around for months.]I don't want it anymore. ” “无名小姐,你知道你有何不妥?你怕事,你没胆量,你害怕挺起胸膛说:生活就是这样,人们相爱,互相属于对方,因为这是获得快乐的唯一机会,你自称为不羁野性,却怕别人把你关在笼子里,你已身处樊笼,是你自己建造起来的,那不受地域所限,它随你而去,不管你往哪儿去,你总受困于自己,拿着,这个我已经带在身上好久了(从口袋取出两人一同购买的,刻有蒂凡尼标记的戒指),我不想要了。” 看着保罗在大雨中离去,霍莉恍然间明白了他的话,于是,她下车去寻找被她赶下车的猫咪,回眸间却看到保罗正伫立在雨中,注视着她,两人紧紧相拥在一起。