【了不起的盖茨比-经典瞬间】Anything can happen.

【了不起的盖茨比-经典瞬间】Anything can happen.

2014-11-29    00'29''

主播: 千鸟之月

1059 142

我不知道怎么想了I didn&`&t know what to think. 从皇后区大桥看到的全市风貌But the city seen from the Queensboro Bridge... 永远让你有无限的惊喜…is always the city seen for the first time... 那种神秘…in its first wild promise of all the mystery... 与美丽…and the beauty... 会让你叹为观止in the world. 随着我们…Anything... 急速穿越大桥 任何事都有可能…can happen now that we&`&ve slid over... 在桥那头等着我们this bridge, I thought. 什么事都可能发生Anything at all. 盖茨比也是可能真实存在的Even Gatsby could happen.