【与狼共舞-经典瞬间】I knew that the love between us would be served.

【与狼共舞-经典瞬间】I knew that the love between us would be served.

2014-12-13    01'22''

主播: 千鸟之月

808 58

如果你要嫁这个人,那么握住他的手 If you want this man, take his hand in yours. 我没结过婚 I had never been married before. 我不知道其他新郎是怎样的感觉 I don't know if all grooms have the same experience... 但当「踢鸟」诵读这苏族丈夫的规范时 ...but as Kicking Bird began to speak about what was expected of a Sioux husband... 我的心游弋在所有关于她的想象中 ...my mind began to swim in a way that shut out everything but her... …她裙装上的小小饰物… ...the tiny details of her costume... …她身体的美丽轮廓… ...the contours of her shape... …她眼中闪烁的光彩… ...the light in her eyes... …她那对纤细的小脚 ...the smallness of her feet. 我知道我们的爱天长地久 I knew that the love between us would be served. 你听见我刚才说的了吗? Have you heard all that I have said? 是的 Yes. 好的,那把她带进去吧 Good, then take her inside. 她是你妻子了 She is your wife. 好的 Good. 谢谢 Thank you. 再见 Bye. 再见 Bye.