【魂断蓝桥-经典瞬间】I couldn't remember what you look like.

【魂断蓝桥-经典瞬间】I couldn't remember what you look like.

2014-12-30    00'41''

主播: 千鸟之月

1762 129

我还是不太明 白 I still don't get enough quite. 什么 What? 你的脸 Your face. 那么年轻, 那么美 It's all beauty, all beauty. 还有什么你不明白的? What is it you still don't get? 你知道我们分手以后 You know when I left you this afternoon. 我忘了你的长什么样了, 记不得了 I couldn't remember what you look like, not for the life of me. 我想她美吗? I thought was she pretty? 丑吗? Was she ugly? 说实话 怎么也想不起来了 What was she like? I couldn't remember. 我非得赶到剧场看看你的模样 I simply had to go get back to the theater to see what does she look like? 现在不会忘了吧? And do you think you can remember me now? 我想不会. 不会的 I think so. I think so. 一辈子都不会忘 For the rest of my life.