【Sherry唱童谣】If You're Happy and You Know It

【Sherry唱童谣】If You're Happy and You Know It

2017-08-16    04'55''

主播: 金宝贝Sherry伴你育儿

22700 983

欢迎关注微信公众号“Sherry伴你育儿” 添加Sherry老师微信:Sherrykid1,加入育儿交流群一起学习! 欢迎访问Sherry老师的进口正版英文童书馆:Sherry.baobaobooks.com If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Clap your hands (clap clap) 你就拍拍手 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Clap your hands (clap clap) 你就拍拍手 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 And you really want to show it 也让大家知道 If you're happy and you know it 那如果感到幸福 Clap your hands (clap clap) 你就拍拍手 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Stomp your feet (stomp stomp) 你就跺跺脚 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Stomp your feet (stomp stomp) 你就跺跺脚 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 And you really want to show it 也让大家知道 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Stomp your feet (stomp stomp) 你就跺跺脚 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Snap your fingers (Click click) 你就打响指 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Snap your fingers (Click click) 你就打响指 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 And you really want to show it 也让大家知道 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Snap your fingers (Click click) 你就打响指 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Shout I am (I am ) 你就喊出来(我幸福) If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Shout I am (I am ) 你就喊出来(我幸福) If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 And you really want to show it 也让大家知道 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Shout I am (I am) 你就喊出来(我幸福) If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Do all four (clap clap stomp stomp snap snap I am ) 你就表现出来 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Do all four (clap clap stomp stomp snap snap I am ) 你就表现出来 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 And you really want to show it 也让大家知道 If you're happy and you know it 如果感到幸福 Do all four (clap clap stomp stomp snap snap I am ) 你也就表现出来