

2020-02-13    20'38''

主播: Miko^_^

462 8

黛西,你蜷在那儿做什么?黑灯瞎火的 Daisy, whatever are you doing there, crouching in the dark? 你不在,我也不想用脏手去拉窗帘 You weren't here and I didn't like to touch the curtains with me dirty hands. 说得没错 Well, quite right, too. 你怎么不开灯 -我不敢 Why didn't you put the lights on? - I daren't. 电又不是什么牛鬼蛇神 Well, it's electricity and not the devil's handiwork. 你早晚都得习惯的 You’ll get used to it sooner or later. 人家斯凯尔顿庄园连厨房都通上电了 At Skelton Park, they've even got it in the kitchens. 为什么呀 What for? 早膳已准备好,卡森先生 Breakfast is ready, Mr Carson. 威廉,报纸送来了吗? Ah, Willian, any papers yet? 送报员迟到了 They’re late. 见怪不怪 They certainly are. 把板子准备好,报纸一来就可以熨了 Get the board out so you can do them as soon as they're here. 书房收拾妥当了吗? Is the library tidy? 收拾好了,休斯太太 Yes, Mrs Hughes. 很好,今天要彻底打扫餐厅 Good. I want the dining room given a proper going over today. 他们用完早餐,你们就开始 You can do it when they’ve finished their breakfast. 天哪,傻丫头!你是要生火,又不是钻木取火 Oh, heavens girl! You’re building a fire, not inventing it. 还剩几个了? How many have you done? 主人下楼前最后一个了 This is me last till they come downstairs. 很好,赶紧回厨房免得被人瞧见 Very well. Now, get back down to the kitchens before anyone sees you. 他们起来了, 片刻不得消停 And they're off. - No rest for the wicked.
Lady Mary. Are the tea trays ready? 都准备好了,帕特莫太太,就等水开了
All ready, Mrs Patmore. If the water’s boiled. 你能帮忙把另两个端上去吗? Could you give us a hand to take the other two up? 我还要服侍夫人呢。 I’ve got her lady ship’s to carry. 我来吧。 I’ll help. 后门有人。 Back door. 报纸终于来了,威廉 The papers, at last. William. 你迟到了 You’re late. 是,我知道,但是... Yeah, I know, but… 但是什么? But what? 你看了就知道了。 You’ll see.
先熨《泰晤士报》 他早餐时只读这份
Do The Times first, he only reads that at breakfast. 再是夫人的《每日见闻报》 And the Sketch for her ladyship. 其他的事等会儿再说,如果需要的话。 You can manage the others later, if need be.
为什么还要熨报纸 Why are their papers ironed? 关你什么事
What's it to you? 为了让油墨干透,傻丫头
To dry the ink, silly. 怎能让老爷的手弄得和你一样脏呢
We wouldn't want his lordship's hands to be as black as yours.