A: I really need to work on my fitness. What should I do?
B: The first thing you need to do is clean eating. You know, there's a new saying, "abs are made in the kitchen." It's so true!
A: 我真的需要健身了,我应该做些什么呢?
B: 第一件你需要做的事就是注意饮食,你知道现在有种新说法,“腹肌都是吃出来的”,说的一点都没错!
fitness [ˈfɪtnɪs] n. 健康,强身健体
work on one's fitness 健身锻炼
clean eating 饮食卫生
abs [æbz] n. 腹肌
A: Since I came to Beijing, I've gained a lot of weight, it’s really difficult to slim down.
B: I think you should start to work on your fitness and eat clean.
A: 我来北京后胖了好多,真的很难瘦下去了。
B: 我认为你应该开始健身并且注意饮食了。
gain weight 体重增加,胖了
slim down 瘦下来
eat clean 注意饮食