每日情景口语180209 free shipping包邮

每日情景口语180209 free shipping包邮

2018-02-16    04'32''

主播: 辣妈英语秀

120 0

欢迎订阅我,或关注微信公众号【辣妈英语show】(tinashow727)获取【50部最适合学英语电影&小猪佩奇全四季影音文件】 Dialogue01 A: Do you need to pay for the shipping fee on online shopping? B: Well. It depends. Many stores offer free shipping if you spend a certain amount. A: 你在网上购物需要支付运费么? B: 嗯。这个看情况而定。如果你花了一定的钱,很多商店都提供免费送货。 Dialogue02 A: I saved a lot of money buying books on Amazon this semester. Even the shipping was free. B: Wow! What a bargain! I think I'll start doing my online shopping there too. A: 这学期我在亚马逊上买书省了不少钱。甚至都是免运费的。 B: 哇!太划算啦!我想我也要开始在亚马逊上网购了。