

2016-11-25    01'13''

主播: SummerLin

89 6

阿童尼花园里的玫瑰 阿童尼花园里的玫瑰 是我所热爱的, 莉迪娅,那些来去匆匆的玫瑰 就在那一天它们诞生, 又在那一天,死灭。 对它们来说光明是不朽的, 因为它们在太阳升起后诞生, 在阿波罗离开看得见的路程之前沉没。 让我们把一生当作一天, 像它们,莉迪娅,浑然不知 我们活过的刹那, 前后皆是暗夜。 作者 / [葡萄牙] 费尔南多·佩索阿 翻译 / 杨子 Of the gardens of Adonis Of the gardens of Adonis, Lydia, I love Most of all those fugitive roses That on the day they are born, That very day, must also die. Eternal, for them, the light of day: They're born when the sun is already high And die before Apollo's course Across the visible sky is run. We too, of our lives, must make one day: We never know, my Lydia, nor want To know of nights before or after The little while that we may last. Fernando Pessoa