【Hello English】英译出师表

【Hello English】英译出师表

2018-01-03    15'21''

主播: 湖南科技学院广播台

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主播:李苗、张思怡 L:Hello guys wish you a good mood on Wednesday. I ‘m Lillian. Z: I’m Zoie L&Z: Happy New Year L: Oh Zoie, It’s our first program in the new year 2018.I really expect it, and I hope you will like it. En huh~Lillian is coming back! Z: Wow welcome back! Lillian. I’m so excited, because I haven’t seen you for a long time. L: Me too,haven’t seen you for ages.Because I have some matches and examinations. Z: How’s it going? L: Not bad,but there is one thing that really confused me. Z: What’s it? L: That is my major examination.You know it’s not very easy to translate Chinese into English, especially the classical Chinese. Z :That’s right. I did a very bad job in it. L :Yeah I hate it too. But today I’ll show you a short video called ChuShibiao, which is made by a famous actor, Wang Luoyong. Oh, It’s really shocked me,and I hope you will have a great impression on it. Z: wow I haven’t seen it before,I can’t wait. L:Time for it! (出师表音频) L:视频中,配上气势恢宏的音乐和剧中的场景,再加上演员出色的台词功底和近乎完美的英文发音,使得这段《出师表》有着《权力的游戏》般壮丽的史诗感。一个好演员的厉害之处就在于,即便不懂英文的人,都能深受其感染。 Z:最近,电视剧《大军师司马懿之虎啸龙吟》正在热播,这段英文的朗诵者正是剧中诸葛亮的扮演者王洛勇。虽然之前有唐国强塑造的诸葛亮深入人心,但王洛勇版的诸葛亮还是圈了不少粉丝。他的完美英文也让不少观众好奇:新版诸葛亮还能有这种操作?! L:还真能。实际上,王洛勇90年代就登百老汇了。但他并非从一开始就擅长英语。 With almost no knowledge of English, but a desire to become first-rate actor, Luoyong Wang came to the U. S. in 1986 to study theater. He overcame insurmountable difficulties in his life and career, working at all sorts of menial jobs while attending school and improving his English. 1986年,几乎不懂英语,但怀着成为一流演员梦想的王洛勇来到美国。他克服了生活和职业中难以克服的障碍,一面上课、学英语,一面做遍了所有卑微琐碎的工作。几经尝试,他终于圆了自己的百老汇梦。 Z:1995年,他登上百老汇舞台,出演了《西贡小姐》。并凭此获得了美国福克斯演员奖最佳男演员奖,获得了《纽约时报》的肯定。 Eight times he knocked on the door of Broadway and finally, with his "electric" acting as praised by The New York Times, he secured for himself the pivotal role of "the Engineer" in the Broadway musical "Miss Saigon." 他曾八次试图敲开百老汇大门,他终于在百老汇音乐剧《西贡小姐》中出演了主角“工程师”,《纽约时报》称赞他的表演“激动人心”。 L:经过百老汇的锤炼,也难怪他的英语能够说得那么纯正,那么有舞台感了。《三国演义》作为四大名著之一,以其史诗般的叙事、扣人心弦的阴谋权术和荡气回肠的英雄气概,历经数百年依旧散发着巨大魅力。这部小说也催生了无数脍炙人口的成语和名句,我们今天就再次回顾一下这些经典语句,重温那段波澜壮阔的历史。 Z:不求同年同月同日生,只愿同年同月同日死。 We ask not the same day of birth, but we seek to die together. L:顺我者生,逆我者死。 There is life for those who are with me, death for those against. Z:兄弟如手足,妻子如衣服。 Brothers are as hands and feet; wives and children are as clothing. L:欲破曹公,宜用火攻;万事俱备,只欠东风。 To defeat Cao Cao You have to use fire; All are in your wish,But wind from the east. Z:宁教我负天下人,休教天下人负我。 I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me. L:既生瑜,何生亮。 O God, since thou made Zhou Yu, why did thou also create Zhuge Liang? 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。 To achieve this end, I would use the last remnant of my strength and could die content. 英文表达: L:好啦我们今天经典的三国放送就到这儿啦,下面我们来看看几个英文表达,看看你有没有躺枪呢! Buy a lemon Buy a lemon可不是买个柠檬的意思,它的真实意思是假货,买回来就坏了的东西 For example :The car I bought last year be sure a lemon ! 去年我买的汽车确实是个假货 Z:In hot water在热水中?Uh-uh In hot water是有麻烦,陷于困境的意思。 You'll be in hot water when your girlfriend finds out! 一旦你女朋友发现这事,你可就有麻烦了! L:Not my cup of tea不是我的茶 ?这个可不是这个意思,它的真实意思是我不喜欢……。. For example :The boy is cute, but he's not my cup of tea. 这个男孩子很可爱,但不是我喜欢的类型 Z :Food for thought Food for thought难道是思考吃什么的意思吗?并不哦,他的意思是引人深思的事情 For example :There is much food for thought in the film. 这部电影里有很多值得思考的东西。 L :Cool as a cucumber冷酷的黄瓜 ?这个意思不对。它的意思是镇定自若 Cool as a cucumber镇定自若 For example She was as cool as a cucumber before the interview. 她在面试之前很冷静镇定,毫不紧张 Z :最后一个A smart cookie聪明的饼干吗?它的真实意思是聪明人 For example: With the help of Hello English ,it shouldn't be too hard for a smart cookie like you to learn English well. 在我们Hello English的帮助下,学好英语对于你这样聪明的人并不难 一周音乐: 在新的一年ZOIE要为大家带来的歌曲是This is the new year 来自The great big world 歌词中说到 Another year you made a promise又是一年许下另一个心愿 Another chance to turn it all around又是一次扭转一切的时机 And do not save this for tomorrow不要把包袱丢给明天 Embrace the past and you can live for now拥抱过去 活在当下 这也是我们想给大家传递的讯息,新的一年,新的起点,希望大家都能闪闪发亮。音为有你,一路同行。 Z:好了,今天的Hello English到这就结束啦!Our English broadcast is end today.