

2016-10-17    01'47''

主播: FM1419103

330 4

如果你已经学习英语很长时间了却无法随心所欲说英语,请不要停止学习,像个(世界观简单的)孩子一样就对了。 不要总想着要得到更多知识,不要期盼立竿见影,坚持不懈加大练习量就对了。在你能开口说一口漂亮的英语之前,哪怕你有好方法、优秀的英语学习材料和最棒的英语老师,你也需要投入大量的练习。(小孩子都是不急不躁地一边听外界陌生的语言,一边学语言来沟通)你的搭档、英语角的朋友、App上的英语爱好者以及工作场所中讲英语的同事, 都是你的练习对象。 抓住每个机会去练习!你犯错越多,你讲得越好!因为尴尬时刻能帮你更加快速地记住东西!(四平八稳的心态往往记性不好,所以要创造尴尬情绪) 另外,你需要阅读更多中文内容,那样子可以积累到更多的文化背景知识,学到更多常识,看到一些有趣有用的新闻。没有实质的东西跟人分享,你们那索然无味的对话不到五分钟就该结束了。(我们需要用更有趣更有信息量的话语让对方继续用英语跟你聊下去,达到你们的练习目的。) On English learning If you have been learning English for a long time and you can&`&t speak English as well as you wish, just keep on learning like a kid. Wish for less, practice more with perseverance. You really need to practice a lot before you can speak well even when you have good methods, good English-learning materials and great teachers.Practice with your partners,friends in English corners, English fans on Apps and English-speaking co-workers in workplace. Take every opportunity to practice. The more mistakes you make, the better you speak. Because awkward moments help you learn things by heart much faster. Besides, you need to read more in Chinese in order to get more cultural backgrounds, common sense, some interesting and useful news. Without things to share, your dull conversation won't last for more than 5 minutes.