海纳晨读 2015-11-4 中考1600词

海纳晨读 2015-11-4 中考1600词

2016-01-12    20'22''

主播: Sky-lee

110 38

2015-11-04 李博 海纳教育 第十八章 1. be To be or not to be , that is a question . From William , Shakspeare He is a student . 他是学生。 He was a student 他曾经是学生。 He will be a student 他将会是学生。 He has been a student . 他一直是个学生。 He had been a student before he graduated from university . 在毕业之前他一直是个学生。 He said he would be a student. 他说他将会成为一个学生 这将会有一个会议: There will be a meeting. 2. beach n. Seashore ---coast ----beach ---- sands coastal cities 3. beat . v / win .v --lose / winner --loser I beat my father . I won the competition 4. Bear n 熊 v. 忍受 Stock market --- bear market – Cow /bull market 新概念链接: Lesson one a private conversation I can’t bear it Lesson 38 everything except weather It is more than I could bear Lesson 34 quick work I can’t bear it any longer . 5. because 因为 because of 因为 I stayed at home because the weather is bad. I stayed at home because of the bad weather. 海纳晨读 每周一至周五(法定假日无) 为您推送提高英语学习兴趣,增加英语词汇量的精彩讲解。 如果您喜欢本节目,请帮忙转发。 主讲教师:李博 海纳教育创始人,留美学者,交际教学法专家,新概念英语专家 李博老师微信:skylee19821011