海纳晨读 2015-11-9 中考1600词

海纳晨读 2015-11-9 中考1600词

2016-01-12    18'11''

主播: Sky-lee

107 38

专注的人!凌乱的生活,逻辑的大脑。 beside 旁边/ besides 除了 beside= next to = by = near besides = except except for --- apart from 1. The little elephant is afraid to go alone. He always walks _____ his mother. 2. Besides English , I can speak Chinese. 3. Everyone atteneded the meeting except Jason 4. 新概念链接: lesson 14 Do you speak English? Apart from a few words, I don&`&t know any French . Except for a spelling mistake , the whole article is good. 2. best ---better ---good 1) try one&`&s best to do sth Students will try my best to study hard. Busninessmen will try my best to earn money . Teachers will try their best to teach students English. 2) make the best use of sth time is precious . we should make the best use of the time . 沈阳中考: who has ______ marks in English, A,B and C . A. good B. better C. best D. the best 3. between prep. 两者之间 tell the difference between A and B . 新概念例句 lesson 42 not very muscial It , obviously , could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz. tell the difference among them go-between : she is a go-between. 4.bill n. bill --dolloars bill----Bill Gates bill ---- pay for the bill 5. bird n. R.E Bird In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole,American explorer , R.E Byrd, successfully flew over the Sout Pole for the first time. Larry Bird : flappy bird : 心理学家有参与 海纳晨读 每周一至周五(法定假日无) 为您推送提高英语学习兴趣,增加英语词汇量的精彩讲解。 如果您喜欢本节目,请帮忙转发。 主讲教师:李博 海纳教育创始人,留美学者,交际教学法专家,新概念英语专家 李博老师微信:skylee19821011