海纳晨读  2015-11-16 1600词

海纳晨读 2015-11-16 1600词

2016-01-12    16'18''

主播: Sky-lee

512 46

1.brave adj : He is not brave enough to give a presentation . make a speech in public stage fright 2. bread a piece of bread pieces of bread a piece of paper pieces of paper Would you like some ________? No, thank you . I am not hungry at all. A. tea B. water C. bread D. coffee 3. break : have a break My car is broken . My car broke down. break into the door. break down / the rule / Something is wrong with my computer . My computer ______ ________. A. broke B. achieved C. invented D. completed 4. breakfast n. 早餐 have---- for breakfast -- brunch breakfast + lunch Ameircan breakfast Chinese breakfast 5. breathe (i:) .v / breath(e) n. have a breath / have a deep breath bad breath / out of breath they are running out of breath. We need air to breathe. 海纳晨读 每周一至周五(法定假日无) 为您推送提高英语学习兴趣,增加英语词汇量的精彩讲解。 如果您喜欢本节目,请帮忙转发。 主讲教师:李博 海纳教育创始人,留美学者,交际教学法专家,新概念英语专家 李博老师微信:skylee19821011