海纳晨读 2015-11-23 距2015年结束还有38天

海纳晨读 2015-11-23 距2015年结束还有38天

2016-01-12    18'41''

主播: Sky-lee

70 39

(舍掉两分又如何,人生也不是有那两分决定) 1.Canada Canadian Gary comes from Canada . He is Canadian . the Weather of Canada is various from Nroth to South 中考链接: My sister has a pen pal . She is from _______. A. Canada B. Japanese C. English D. Australian 2. cancel : vt 取消 cancel the tirp / meeting / class / cancel botton call off / call out If it isn't ifne this weekend , our spring field trip _________. A. is cancelled B. was canncelled C. will be cancelled 3.. cap --hat 4.captial ---captain ---capital letter The capital of the USA is ________. A. New York B. London C. Paris D. Washington big apple / Washington D.C 5. card .n birthday card / postcard / bankcard / new year card / send a card / receive a card / bank card / credit card / ID card / student card / savings ---interests credit card ---- overdraw Identity card --ID card === driving licence play cards / Make a new year card. 海纳晨读 每周一至周五(法定假日无) 为您推送提高英语学习兴趣,增加英语词汇量的精彩讲解。 如果您喜欢本节目,请帮忙转发。 主讲教师:李博 海纳教育创始人,留美学者,交际教学法专家,新概念英语专家 李博老师微信:skylee19821011