海纳中学项目微课堂 || 第1讲中考语法之现在完成时

海纳中学项目微课堂 || 第1讲中考语法之现在完成时

2016-09-14    18'03''

主播: Sky-lee

366 13

1 现在完成时的定义 过去的动作,一直延续到现在/如果没延续到现在,也对现在有所影响,结果。 例如:Oscar,when did you have your supper? Oscar, have you had your supper? 2 现在完成时的时间状语 词组: already, not yet, never….before, ever, since, for, how long, lately,recently, up till/to now, by +时间点, by the time, in the past few 时间段(in the past 10 years) , so far, by far, these years, 句型: i have been to shanghai 3 three times. It has been +时间段 since +句子 (did ) Oscar is the coolest person I have ever seen. 3 现在完成时VS一般过去时 请对比以下几组句子: A: I lost my key. 我丢了钥匙。(一般过去时) (lost用的是过去时态,这句话的意思是给你讲一个过去的故事,而说话者眼下也许正在悠闲地喝咖啡) I have lost my key. 我丢了钥匙。(现在完成时) (have lost用的是完成时态,这句话的意思是告诉你一件当前的事,说话者正冻得浑身发抖进不去屋子,打电话求救110帮他把门打开) B: I have seen the film.   我看过这部电影。(现在我仍记得电影的内容)   I saw the film three days ago.   三天前我看了这部电影。(强调是三天前,而不是别的什么时候看的电影) C:I have had my lunch.我已经吃过午饭了。(意思是:我现在已经不饿了,你不用再请我吃饭了) I had my lunch at 11:00. 我在十一点吃的午饭. (强调吃饭的时间是十一点,不是别的时间) 总结: 语境不同 一般过去时表示动作发生在过去,“说的是一个过去的事”,与现在没有关系;强调动作发生的时间,时间状语很明确. 现在完成时态是为了解释一个现在的状况而去提一件过去的事,强调于对现在的影响; 时间状语不同 现在完成时标志词: already, yet, just, ever, never等词, 位于have/has与过去分词之间.(时间模糊) 一般过去时的标志词: “段时间+ago, just now, yesterday, last …”等,位于句尾。(时间清晰) 现在完成时精选习题 (含2016年全国中考真题) 一、选择题 1.(济南)-I think our teacher, Mrs.Allen , knows everything. -I agree. Because she ______ over 2,000 books. A.read B.has read C. reads D.is reading 2.(济南)-Does Jimmy still work as a driver? -No. He has _______ for 2 years. A.left the company B.gone to Shanghai C.studied in college D.lost his job 3.(长沙)-What do you think of the movie Zootopia? -Hmm...I think is is ______ movie that I have ever seen. A.a good B.a better C.the best 4.(济宁)I have _____ finished my homework.I finished it an hour ago. A.yet B.already C.ever D.never 5.(武汉)I don't feel very well, Jack. I'm afraid you ____ me your cold. A.give B.had given C.have given D. would give 6.(武汉)-Sorry,Tom. I can't find the book you _____ me. -It's ok. I don't need it any more. A.lend B.have lent C.will lend D.lent 7.(江西)The water ______ dark and dirty.It's no longer safe to drink. A. became B.has become C. will become D.was becoming 8.(陕西)My mother ____ a good example for me since I was young. A.was B.has been C.will be D.is 9.(安徽)When the babie dog ________, it was hungry. So we gave it some food. A.is found B.was found C.has been found D. will be found 10.(河北)Our team ______ another point! I am sure we will win the game! A.will get B.has got C.is getting D.was getting 11.(北京)-Where did you go last weekend? -I _____ to the Great Wall. A.go B.went C.will go D.have gone 12.(上海)The medicine _____ millions of people's lives since it was put into use. A.is saving B.will save C.has saved D.had saved 13.(重庆)I ____ the history museum twice. I have learnt a lot there. A.visit B.am visiting C.have visited D.will visit 14.(河南)-There is someone knocking at the door. -It must be the computer repairman. I _____ him to come to fix my computer. A.call B.have called C.called D.will call 15.(黄冈)-I haven't seen your teacher for a week.Where is he? -Sorry, I don't know_____________. A.where has he been B. where he has been C.where has he gone D.where he has gone 16.(苏州)-Hobo and Eddie ______ the cinema to watch the film Zootopia. -Oh, that's why I cannot find them now. A.have gone to B.have been to C.has gone to D.has been to 17.(黄石)This museum ______ here for over 80 years. It _____ one of the oldest buildings in the city. A.is; was B.had been; is C.was; has been D.has been; is 18.(青岛)William Shakespeare _____ for 400 years, but his works still have great influence today. A.died B.was dying C.has died D.has been dead 19.(南充)-How long ______ your brother _____ his camera? -For 2 weeks. A.have, bought B.have, had C.has, had D.has,bought 20. -Did you work out the problem, Tom? -Yes, of course, I _____ to the teacher’s. A. have just been B.have just got C.have just come D.have just gone 21.How long has your aunt _____ here? A.arrived B.go C.been D.reached 22. -How do you like Paris? -Oh, I ______ such a beautiful city. A.didn’t visit B.have never visited C.don’t visit D.was never visiting 23.The students are sorry to hear that the famous singer ______ for half an hour. A. has left B. has gone C. has been away D. has gone away 24. –I ______ the book to the library already. – How long ________ you _______ it? A. returned, have, borrowed B. have returned, have, borrowed C. have returned, have, kept D. returned, have, kept 25.Miss Smith with her parents ______ China since _________. A. have been in, two years ago B. has gone to, three years C. have been to, two years D. has been in, three years ago 26.-I have just finished my report on English culture. -When ____ you___ it ? -Two hours ago. A.have,finished B.do, finish C.will, finish D.did, finish 答案见最下方 名师 介绍 陈鑫water 海纳中学项目负责人 海纳初中高中课程创始人 英语翻译硕士 英语专业八级 英国剑桥大学三一口语学院口语一级 国家二级口译员 中高考教育专家 师从辽宁省高考命题组成员邢家伟教授,潜心研究中高考十余年 曾多次押中沈阳市中考,辽宁省高考英语部分试题 教学成果颇多,曾编著(初中语法速成教程)(高中语法教程)等 专研语法,写作等项目,培养优秀学员无数。 微信号 尹璐Oscar 中高考资深教师 辽宁大学学士学位 大连海事大学硕士学位 中考英语满分 高考英语140分 雅思考试8.5分获得者 曾获全国英语能力竞赛一等奖 10年中高考辅导经验,尤其善于总结、归纳,对英语教学理解透彻, 对 中、高考的命题规律有深入研究。帮助众多学子进入省实验,大连育明等重点高 中及知名学府。 微信号 答案: 1-5: BCCBC 6-10: DBBBB 11-15: BCCCD 16-20: ADDCA 21-25: CBCCD 26: D