

2015-09-21    03'37''

主播: 花语留声

188 1

《风中的太极》 ——一位外国友人的感悟 原文翻译/谢晓晨 据意改诗/虚无先生 静静地,我迎风站立 风儿,拂面而过 然而,我充耳不闻 惟有轻柔的音乐 小夜曲般哼鸣 我,屏气以待 · 耳畔乐声轻曼 萦绕不绝,我 顺势下沉 直至无法直立 音乐搀扶着我 身姿,从风的身旁 轻柔地掠过 · 我知道,移动的步履 每一步都须轻盈 无数次重复,心无杂念 面对清新的空气 我,只想去呼吸 只想去领略美妙 · 一种平静的感觉 安详与纯净。此刻 所有的痛楚与烦恼 都甩在脑后;此刻 惟有此刻 我顿悟,什么 才是真正意义上的自由 · 音乐,渐渐远去 我,缓缓起身 意识,重新回归躯体 快乐在周身流淌 这样的感觉,让我明了 运动,何以滋养身心 · 这时,我突然 萌生一念:今生 我绝不与它分离 · 附:外国友人原文 Standing still, the air swirls around me Crowds pass by but I do not hear them The music plays softly serenading me, I wait. Sweet sounding ring through my ears, I begin Pushing down until my legs resist Softly gliding through the air. The music carries me. Weightless with each step I move, I know Countless times practiced , no need to think Only to breath in as the fresh air comfort me . A sense of peace, so quite and pure All pain and worries are forgotten It is a moment in time, where freedom is known. As I come to the close, slowly rising Consciousness appears to me once more I can feel the gift of happiness over flowing. A gift I have been given to learn An exercise for the heart and mind One that I know I can no longer live without.
上一期: 感动与幸福
下一期: 吃苹果的姑娘