

2021-10-24    04'16''

主播: 栗子礼

294 2

作词 : Benjamin;mpi 作曲 : 澤野弘之 Wouldn't it be nice to take a walk on some pure white sand 倘若能信步漫游于白沙之上 Gaze at the horizon without living in fear 而不用栗栗危惧地远眺地平线,该有多么悠然自得? Wouldn't it be sweet to watch the sun curve down meet the waves 假使能顾视夕曛光弧浮光跃金,如许岂非赏心悦目? And taste the ocean s**** 在尝过狂涛怒吼的鹾鹾水汽后 And realize we'd been living as slaves 才意识到吾辈 苟活于缧绁 怯懦如奴仆 We've got to learn to get back, get back 吾等务必刻骨铭心 枕戈剚刃 But is it worth the price of our soul 但这是否值得我们献出心脏 出卖灵魂? You know you had to kill her, kill her 你知晓箭在弦上,驱逐之,戮杀之! Oh my dirty hands it never fades 这双沾满鲜血的手永远无法配予救赎 And if we get out, get out 若是我们能逃出生天 I'll think about the price of our soul 我将思虑出卖灵魂的代价 We've got to learn to live free, live free 必须通而达之 逍遥墙外 We'll live a life without barricades 摆脱思想枷锁 高墙约束 自强不息! Wow oh~ oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh~ oh oh oh oh oh ohoh Wow oh~ oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh~ oh oh oh oh oh ohoh How long I haven't seen the light shine through in my life 多少年来从未见到过 这道光芒把我照得通透 Lost everything, family, confusion on the way 一无所有 无家可归 迷茫失措 举步维艰 Someone tries to talk to me and signpost the righteous road 某个人尝试打开我的心房,指引我成为正直的人 My animal inside 曩昔藏匿已久的巨人之力 Can now be tamed to go over the wall 现如今也将助我翻越高墙 We've got to learn to get back, get back 吾等务必刻骨铭心 枕戈剚刃 But is it worth the price of our soul 但这是否值得我们献出心脏 出卖灵魂? You know you had to kill her, kill her 你知晓箭在弦上,驱逐之,戮杀之! Oh my dirty hands it never fades 这双沾满鲜血的手永远无法配予救赎 And if we get out, get out 若是我们能逃出生天 I'll think about the price of our soul 我将思虑出卖灵魂的代价 We've got to learn to live free, live free 必得通而达之 逍遥墙外 We'll live a life without barricades 摆脱思想枷锁 高墙约束 自强不息! Wow oh~ oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh~ oh oh oh oh oh ohoh Wow oh~ oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh~ oh oh oh oh oh ohoh We've got to learn to get back, get back 吾等务必刻骨铭心 枕戈剚刃 But is it worth the price of our soul 但这是否值得我们献出心脏 出卖灵魂? You know you had to kill her, kill her 你知晓箭在弦上,驱逐之,戮杀之! Oh my dirty hands it never fades 这双沾满鲜血的手永远无法配予救赎 And if we get out, get out 若是我们能逃出生天 I'll think about the price of our soul 我将思虑出卖灵魂的代价 We've got to learn to live free, live free 必得通而达之 逍遥墙外 We'll live a life without barricades 摆脱思想枷锁 高墙约束 自强不息! Wow oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohoh Wow oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohoh
上一期: 同途-紫幻如风
下一期: STAY-RaJor