I&`&m sorry I&`&m so late.
I had a really bad day.
It&`&s ten after six. We&`&re late.
Robbie&`&s cooking tonight, and dinner&`&s at six thirty.
I know. I know. I&`&m really sorry.
I left my bag of film on the ferry.
I went back for it, but the ferry was gone.
I lost a whole day&`&s work.
I&`&ll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office.
I didn&`&t think of that. Thanks.
Yes. The number, please,
of the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office.
Five five five...zero eight zero eight.
Thank you.
I really appreciate it, Marilyn.
Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, a small canvas bag,
on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry?...No?
Maybe someone will find it.
The name is Stewart, Richard Stewart.
And the telephone number is five five five...
three oh nine oh. Thank you.
Sorry, Richard. They don&`&t have it.
Thanks, anyway.
There was a girl on the ferry.
Now maybe...
Tell me about it on the way home.