名著早读Day 217

名著早读Day 217

2016-11-10    03'50''

主播: Sophia的英语学堂

107 14

And gravely glancing at Mr. Darcy, "There is a fine old saying, which every body here is of course familiar with -- "Keep your breath to cool your porridge," -- and I shall keep mine to swell my song.” 1.gravely[‘greɪvli]严肃地 2.glance [ɡlæns] at sb 匆匆一瞥 3.be familiar with sth 熟悉 4. cool[kuːl] v.冷却 5.porridge [‘pɔrɪdʒ]粥 keep your breath to cool your porridge 省口气吹你的粥吧(mind your own business)省点劲吧,别对我评头论足 6.swell v. 膨胀;提高嗓音歌唱 swell my song 高歌一曲
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