

2016-11-16    05'25''

主播: Sophia的英语学堂

195 17

Mary had neither genius nor taste;and though vanity had given her application,it had given her likewise a pedantic air and conceited manner, which would have injured a higher degree of excellence than she had reached. 1.neither…nor 既不 …也不…[ˈnaɪðə; ˈniːðə] 2.genius[‘dʒiːnɪəs]天才、天赋 3.taste[teɪst]品味、审美 4.vanity['vænəti] 虚荣心 5.application[ˌæplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] 应用、用途 6.likewise adv.同样地、也 7.pedantic [pɪ’dæntɪk]迂腐的、卖弄学问的 pedantic air 迂腐气 8.conceited[kən’siːtɪd] 自负的 9.injure[‘ɪndʒɚ]v.伤害、损害 10.excellence['ɛksləns]优秀
上一期: An idiom a day 27
下一期: An idiom a day 28