Day55: Which calender was carved in stone?

Day55: Which calender was carved in stone?

2017-05-25    00'22''

主播: Sophia的英语学堂

176 5

关注微信公众号ettalk365,获取更多学习内容。 sophia微信:sophia_ettalk 微博:Sophia的英语学堂 Many hundreds of years ago, people called the Aztecs lived in Central America. They made a calendar from a huge stone shaped like the Sun. The face of the Sun god was carved in the middle, and sign for the days were carved all around the edge. 1. calendar:日历;[天] 历法 2. hundreds of:数以百计的 [&`&hʌndrədz] 3. Aztecs:阿兹特克人 4. Central America:中美洲 5. Sun god :太阳神