5.Advice from a Caterpillar

5.Advice from a Caterpillar

2017-06-22    05'58''

主播: Sophia的英语学堂

68 2

After Alice frightened everyone by growing as big as a house, she ate some little cakes and shrank again. She doesn&`&t like being so tiny, so she&`&s looking for something to make her grow to the right size. But this is Wonderland and what she finds, sitting on top of a mushroom, is very curious indeed… Alice 
Am I as small as a mushroom, or is the mushroom as tall as me? Ohh!! Narrator 
Sitting on top of the mushroom was a blue caterpillar smoking a hookah pipe. Caterpillar 
Who are you? Alice 
I… I&`&m not sure. I know who I was when I woke up this morning. But I&`&ve changed so many times since then! Caterpillar 
What do you mean by that? Explain yourself! Alice 
I can&`&t explain myself because I&`&m not myself. It&`&s very confusing… I think you should tell me who YOU are first. Caterpillar 
Why? Alice 
Ummm… Narrator 
Alice couldn&`&t think of any good reason. She decided to leave. Caterpillar 
Come back! I have something important to say! Alice 
Yes?  Caterpillar 
Don&`&t be unhappy. Alice 
Is that all? Caterpillar 
No. So you think you&`&ve changed, do you? Alice 
I have, sir. I don&`&t stay the same size for more than ten minutes! Caterpillar 
What size do you want to be? Alice 
Oh, I don&`&t mind. A little bit bigger is all I would like. Seven centimetres is such a terrible height! Caterpillar 
It is a very good height! I myself am exactly seven centimetres in height! Narrator 
And with that, the caterpillar crawled off the mushroom and away. Caterpillar 
One side of the mushroom will make you grow taller. The other side will make you grow shorter. Seven centimetres indeed! Alice 
Hmmm… let me pull this side… and now this side…But which side is which? Narrator 
There was only one way to find out the answer to that question. Alice took a bite of one piece of the mushroom - and shrank so quickly that she hit her chin on her foot. Alice 
Ouch! Narrator 
Quickly, she ate some of the other piece of mushroom and … Alice 
Where have my shoulders gone? And my hands – where are you, hands? Narrator 
Alice grew and grew until her neck was as long as a snake. Up and up she grew, through the branches and leaves, until her head was higher than the trees. Alice found she could move her neck just like a snake, bending this way and that. She was about to use her long neck to push her head down into the trees and look for her shoulders and hands, when suddenly a furious bird flew at her. Bird 
Snake! Snake! You want my eggs! I know! Alice 
I&`&m not a snake! I&`&m a… I&`&m a little girl! Bird 
Little girl or snake, it doesn&`&t matter to me, you want my eggs just the same! Alice 
I don&`&t want your eggs, really I don&`&t! Bird 
Then be off with you! Go away! Narrator 
The bird settled angrily into its nest. Alice ate a little of one side of the mushroom, then a little of the other, then a little of the first again until she was a good size. She decided to find her way back the door to the beautiful garden that she saw when she first arrived in Wonderland. As she walked through the forest she found a little clearing, with a small house in it, not much more than a metre or so high. Alice 
I wonder who lives here? The house is so small – anyone who lives here will surely be afraid of me! Narrator 
Alice ate a little more of the mushroom and quickly brought herself down to the right size for this little house. Next time, Alice meets a walking fish, talks to a smiling cat and has to look after a baby. Goodbye. 更多信息请关注微信公众号:ettalk365
上一期: 早读2017Day100
下一期: 6.Pig and Pepper