Don't forget the bacon!别忘买培根肉!

Don't forget the bacon!别忘买培根肉!

2016-04-11    09'57''

主播: 菜菜家的羊

146 4

小男孩长大了,要帮妈妈“打酱油”了!妈妈交代的任务是:“six farm eggs,a cake for tea, a pound of pears, and don't forget the bacon.” 路上小男孩复述成了什么?“ six fat legs...a cape for me...a flight of stairs...and don't forget the bacon.” 继续走继续在脑海中变形,“six clothes pegs...a rake for leaves...a pile of chairs..and don't forget the bacon”到底最后买成什么了呢?那培根肉到底忘没忘记呢?