(附原文)How Do Dinosaurs Say I'M MAD(孩子,你可以生气,但是...)

(附原文)How Do Dinosaurs Say I'M MAD(孩子,你可以生气,但是...)

2016-04-30    04'25''

主播: 硅谷妈妈

483 21

家有恐龙,情绪变化多端,生气时不听劝,瞎捣乱。可怕吗?生气并不可怕,可怕的是不知道如何赶走怒气,快乐起来。你看恐龙宝宝,他深呼吸,平静下来把问题想清楚,又开心地出门了...... 原文如下: How does a dinosaur act when he’s mad? Does he roar, slam the door, yell at mom or at dad? When he can’t get his way, does he boast ‘I’ll be mad’? Is that what dinosaur say when he’s mad? When papa says no, does he grumble and pout? When mama says no, does he throw toys about? When he’s told to sit still, does he kick at a chair? Does he act as if mom or dad aren’t there? When he hears ‘take a nap’, does he give dirty looks? When he’s told ‘quiet down’, does he rip up his books? No cookies today, fling a mug at a cat. Time for bed, does he bang on the floor with his bat? No, a dinosaur doesn’t. He counts up to ten, then after a timeout, breathe calmly. And then cleans up his mess and he picks up the mug. He says I’m so sorry. He gives a big hug. His anger is gone, so he opens the door. Not mad? I’m so glad, little dinosaur.