

2017-06-07    17'50''

主播: Harbour(瀚博)老师

288 7

The history of stamps You stick a stamp on an envelope. And then it travels across the world to find another person. Stamps help people keep in touch with their friends and families. They have played an important role in people's lives for a long time now. People have a special day for stamps. Oct 9th is World Post Day. Before stamps, people didn't pay for the letters they sent, but instead they paid for the letters they got. The first stamp ever made is called Penny Black. It is a British stamp made in 1840 with a picture of Queen Victoria on it. Do you know how the back of a stamp is sticky ? The earliest stamps didn't have sticky backs. In the pst , people used paste sometimes. But usually they had to pin or sew stamps onto letters. Years ago , sending letters used to be the most important way to communicate with other people It seemed that everyone had stamps on hand. Although fewer people send letters , stamp collecting is still one of the world's most popular hobbies Here are even stamp clubs to help people find new stamps to add to their collections. Interestingly enough, the Internet may have reduced the need for stamps , but it is actually helping collectors find more stamps to add to their collection. New words and expressions. stick 粘 envelope 信封 keep in touch with 与…保持联系 play an important role in 在… 方面扮演重要角色 sticky 粘的 paste 浆糊 pin 钉住 sew 缝 communicate 与…交流 collecting 收集 reduce 减少 collector 收藏者