Not This Bear!

Not This Bear!

2016-06-25    07'33''

主播: 铃铛草儿

512 9

这个有趣的故事是让孩子们知道吃饭要用勺子和叉子,而不是和熊一样。 Not This Bear! Story and pictures by Bernice Myers Little Herman went to visit his Aunt Gert. He got off the bus at the last stop. But he still had a short walk to her house. It was very very cold. And to keep warm, Herman pulled himself deeper inside his long furry coat. And he pulled his big furry hat down down over his face. He looked just like a bear- Which is funny, because that is exactly what thought he looked like. "You must be my Cousin Julius!" Said the bear. Grabbing Herman by the hand, the bear ran with him to his cave. "Look who I found at the edge of the woods!" He shouted. All the Bears ran over and kissed Herman hard and wet. "Cousin Julius, Cousin Julius!" They shouted. "My name is Herman said Herman. But no one even heard. They were so excited. "I'm not a bear...,"Herman said. ....
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