

2018-05-28    03'11''

主播: 熊叔英语

469 8

weixin搜索“熊叔英语” 每日与熊叔一起乐学英语 Depression is quiet. 抑郁它总是静悄悄的来~ Anyone can fall victim to it. 每个人都可能被它俘获 And much like a mask. people hide it with a smile. I'm fine, and an I'm fine 很多人会选择戴上微笑面具,不想、不敢让别人察觉,假装自己一切都很好~ Nobody can detect it but yourself, because disguising it is easy. 除了你自己,谁都无法拆穿这个伪装 The cheerier you are, the less they'll suspect. 你看起来越高兴,别人察觉到就越难~ But you can't hide it forever. 可是……你毕竟不能永远装下去 Everybody reaches a breaking point. 每个人都会有崩溃的时候 But that's Okay. 这没什么大不了的,真的! Don't be ashamed. 别觉得这很丢脸 There are people out there who understand. 但你要相信,总有人能理解,在你身上发生的一切 There is love and support all around you, By talking with others, you will get the help and assurance that you need to fight through it. Together. 有人爱你,有人愿意帮助你 和他们袒露心声吧,在与抑郁斗争的路上,你不再会是一个人 You are precious, you are loved, you are not alone. 你是珍贵的,你是被爱的,你不是孤单的 Have patience with all things. But most importantly, have patience with yourself. 对这个世界多一点耐心的第一步是对自己多一点耐心~ See each and every new day as an opportunity to grow. 每一天都可以是一个新的开始,和一个成长的机会 We'll always be here, waiting for you. 我们一直都会在这儿。 没有人是完美的,承认自己的脆弱,这没什么大不了。 我是熊叔,希望你快乐~