

2016-03-10    04'58''

主播: 口语大魔王

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欲调戏主播请留言,获取相关文章以及更多精彩内容,请添加微信公众号:kissnevermore.加入这个俱乐部的,除了俊男靓女以外,都是要虐翻口语的人。 Chase: to follow or go after someone or something you want. Any time you&`&re trying to get something that&`&s trying to get away from you, you chase it. You can also chase things that aren&`&t physical, like a dream or goal. 追求你喜欢人或物。每次你接近那些远离你的事物,这就是追求。 你也可以追寻虚拟的事物,比如梦想或者目标。 场景1 Interview A:Youtried to buy your teammate’s number. The number 18 from him, right? B: well,you know, I wore it in high school and that was my number in college as well. A: What does that number mean to you? What’s the story? B: You want to cut to the chase? A: It’sthe only reason I’m here,OK? B: Well,let’s cut to the chase. Let’s do it. 场景2 Daily life complain A: I’m having a hard time trying to tell you what happened. I had a really bad day. B: Just cut to the chase and maybe I’ll understand better. A: Well,let’s cut to the chase. Could you lend me your credit card?The Jimmy Choo is waving behind that window. 场景3 Flirt with girls A: You’reso stunning today. You look fucking hot. You’re a real bad ass bitch. B: Cut tothe chase, you’re making no sense. A: Well,let’s cut to the chase. Can I ask you out tonight? B: Go to hell,you’re such a freak. 场景4 Bargain A: This dress looks damn nice. How much is it? B: 100 dollars. A: That’s way out of my price range. Can you give me a better deal? B:60. A: OK,Thank you, I’ll shop around. B: Wait, let’scut to the chase. My final price, 15 for 2. A:Great! Deal!