

2016-03-17    05'46''

主播: 口语大魔王

596 14

欲调戏主播请留言,获取相关文章以及更多精彩内容,请添加微信公众号:kissnevermore.加入这个俱乐部的,除了俊男靓女以外,都是要虐翻口语的人。 重点俚语 NO.1 Pain in the ass: Used to indicate that something bothers you very much. 同义表达:pain in the butt; pain in the neck. NO.2 I am sick of It: To express that you are tired of something; to express you don&`&t like something anymore. NO.3 Make up one’s mind : Make a decision 对话 Conversation: Since I entered the palace, never before had an empress so loved by the emperor. Among all the beauties, emperor was only attracted by me. So I told him to share his mental and physical love to other beauties. But he never listened to me. He just loved me, me, me! How could a hottie like me take all the heat by myself? 华妃:Small table, I felt really blue these days. 小桌子:Which bitach pissed you off again hua fly empress? 华妃:What a stupid question! It was Zhen Huan who made me so angry! You know what? She beat around the bush in the face of emperor by saying I was a bitch. She’s a real pain in my ass, I’m sick of what she did to me. 小桌子:How about we drop the hammer? Tonight’s the night. Let’s make up our mind to give her some color see see. 华妃:Small table, put the stocking on your head and let’s hit the road. Small table, you idiot, it was I who was forced to drink this Red crane soup . Help me! Help me!