不小心听新闻|E01 核安全峰会召开

不小心听新闻|E01 核安全峰会召开

2016-04-04    17'15''

主播: 口语大魔王

473 16

欲调戏主播请留言,获取相关文章以及更多精彩内容,请添加微信公众号:kissnevermore. 加入这个俱乐部的,除了俊男靓女以外,都是要虐翻口语的人。 关注微博McMarty,每天收看深夜小视屏。 原文: Leaders from almost 60 countries are gathered today in Washington, D.C., for an event called the Nuclear Security Summit. The first one was in 2010. It was part of an effort by U.S. President Barack Obama to encourage the world to get rid of its nuclear weapons. Even though the U.S. and Russia signed a treaty in 2010 to reduce their nuclear weapons, and even though an international agreement was reached to slow down Iran&`&s nuclear program, experts say the threat from nuclear weapons is worse than when the first national security summit was held. Iran and Russia aren&`&t attending this year&`&s summit. Analysts say there may not be much progress without Russia there. The U.S. military is modernizing its nuclear arsenal, rather than dismantling it, as President Obama initially had hoped. Pakistan is rapidly acquiring nuclear material and world leaders are deeply concerned about ISIS. What if the terrorist group gets access to a nuclear weapon? What if North Korea, a U.S. rival gets one? It&`&s apparently building up its nuclear program and China and the U.S. are promising to do more to stop the smuggling of nuclear materials. 翻译: 近60个国家的领导人今天齐聚华盛顿特区出席核安全峰会。 第一届的核安全峰会是在2010年召开。 美国总统奥巴马曾努力通过核安全峰会鼓励世界摆脱核武器。 尽管2010年美俄签署了一项旨在减少核武器的条约,即使达成了减缓伊朗核计划的国际协议,但专家表示核武器的威胁比当第一届国家安全峰会召开时更为严重。 伊朗和俄罗斯两国没有参加今年的峰会。 分析人士表示,俄罗斯的缺席可能让这届峰会不会有太大进展。 美国军方正像奥巴马总统最初希望的那样,将其核武器库现代化,而非进行废除。 巴基斯坦正迅速获取核武器所需的材料而世界各国领导人对极端恐怖组织“ISIS”深感担忧。 如果恐怖组织获得核武器该如何是好? 如果美国的对手朝鲜掌握了核武器该怎么办? 这个国家显然正在一手打造其核项目,而中国和美国承则诺采取更多措施阻止核武器材料走私流入该国。 单词短语 get rid of 摆脱 You have to get rid of you bad habits. 你不得不摆脱掉坏毛病。 slow down 放缓;放慢脚步 The car slowed down as it passed school. 过学校的时候,车速慢了下来。 promise to 答应 I promise to finish my job at 6pm. 我承诺在6点前完成工作。