不小心听新闻|E02 4D死亡体验馆在上海开幕

不小心听新闻|E02 4D死亡体验馆在上海开幕

2016-04-05    20'08''

主播: 口语大魔王

735 9

欲调戏主播请留言,获取相关文章以及更多精彩内容,请添加微信公众号:kissnevermore. 加入这个俱乐部的,除了俊男靓女以外,都是要虐翻口语的人。 关注微博McMarty,每天收看深夜小视屏。 原文: In Shanghai&`&s new attraction, players use a tablet to discuss who should be "killed off," "cremated" and then "resurrected" by "birth" through a latex womb chute. Participants must give explanations for their choices In a question-and-answer session. For example, a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan and his comrade are noticed by a local herdsman who might reveal their location to the enemy. They must decide whether to kill the herdsman or let him live, and why. Death simulator founder Ding Rui says the one chosen to "die" faces some of the same challenges that most people do before their death. "When we do not fully understand death, saying goodbye is really quite a complicated and difficult task. It covers various dimensions, conflicts, and even prevents you from being able to reach a decision, and you don&`&t know what to do. This all can happen. So I came up with a premise on how to educate people on life, so when they approach death, they don&`&t have to think about these problems constantly." One of the first people to go through the simulated death and re-birth says the experience raised new awareness for him. "This is a really interesting feeling. It at least gives you the chance to calm down and give in to some deeper thoughts and think about some of life&`&s problems. When you walk through that door, you will experience some changes in your mentality, and it will be different from what it was before you entered. I think this is really great, and very worthwhile." For others it can be frightening. "At the moment when everything is completely black, the feeling was really realistic. Especially at the beginning, when I was sitting inside that room, and the door opened, I could hear the noise inside and was a little scared, and then when I went inside, I thought it was all right." At the end of a session, participants write down their reflections in a game survey, and have the option of writing their "last words before death." They can keep the printout as a reminder or shred it on the spot. 在上海新开张的这座新馆中,体验者们要使用平板电脑来讨论应该淘汰谁开启“死亡”之旅经历“火化”,然后“轮回”,而后通过全息“子宫”获得“死而复生的重生”。 在一个问答环节中,参与者们必须为他们的选择做出解释。 例如,阿富汗的一名美国士兵和他的同志注被当地一位放牧人发现,而这位放牧者可能会将其所在位置向敌人汇报。 他们必须决定是否将放牧人杀掉还是让他活着,以及其中的原因。 这家死亡体验馆创始人丁锐表示选择体验“死亡”面临着一些人们在真正死亡之前就会面临的相同难题。 “当我们不完全理解死亡的时候,向逝者告别真的是相当复杂而且非常艰巨的任务。 因为其中涵盖了各个方面、有矛盾冲突,甚至会阻止你做出决定,而你不知道该做什么。 这一切都有可能发生。 所以我萌生出如何在未知死焉知生的前提下对人们开展心理上的宣传辅导,这样他们真正接近死亡的时候,就不需要不断考虑这些问题。” 第一批通过死亡体验的人表示这次经历让其有了新认识。 “这是一种非常有趣的感觉。 它至少给了你冷静下来的机会,让你更深层次的思考一些人生问题。 当你走进那扇门,你的心态会经历一些变化,会和你进入之前有截然不同的感觉。 我认为这非常好,而且非常有价值。” 而对另一些人来说,这种体验可能令她们深感恐惧。 “眼前突然黑漆漆一片,这种感觉真的很现实。 尤其是一开始,当我坐在那个房间里时,门开了,我听到里面的声音后有点害怕,然后走进去后我想一切都会好起来。” 结束时,参与者们会在一份调查中写下他们的感想,并可以选择写下“生前的遗嘱”。 体验者们可以留着它或当场进行销毁。