不小心听新闻|E06 勇士队酷炸了!

不小心听新闻|E06 勇士队酷炸了!

2016-04-12    06'15''

主播: 口语大魔王

384 3

欲调戏主播请留言,获取相关文章以及更多精彩内容,请添加微信公众号:kissnevermore. 加入这个俱乐部的,除了俊男靓女以外,都是要虐翻口语的人。 关注微博McMarty,每天收看深夜小视屏。 新闻: Golden State Warriors:Steph Curry&`&s side need one win to break NBA record. The can make NBA history in their final regular-season game after equalling the record number of wins with their 72nd on Sunday. Vocabulary Take Away Regular-season:常规赛。NBA常规赛分为82场。 Warrior:勇士。Author Carlos said, "Nobody is born a warrior, in exactly the same way that nobody is born an average man. We make ourselves into one or the other.” Record:N.记录/V.录音。主要注意不同词性的发音。做名词/ˈrekərd /重读在第一个音节,做动词/ri&`&cord/重读在第二个音节。