

2016-04-18    07'39''

主播: 口语大魔王

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欲调戏主播请留言,获取相关文章以及更多精彩内容,请添加微信公众号:kissnevermore. 加入这个俱乐部的,除了俊男靓女以外,都是要虐翻口语的人。 关注微博McMarty,每天收看深夜小视屏。 Ecuador earthquake:Death rise to 235. At least 235 people have been confirmed dead and more than 1500 people injured after Ecuador was hit by its most powerful earthquake in decades. Vocabulary Take Away Injured: 拉丁词根 jury = right,所以injured就是不好,即受伤。 例句:After being yelled at in front of the whole team by my coach, Marty will go home with injured pride. 在全队面前被教练大吼一通以后,Marty失落的回家了。 Confirm: 核对,确认。我们都知道,firm – shore up/verify something的意思,该词来自拉丁词根con- 一起 和firm的组合。 Hit:打。讲点与之相关的词。hitman是杀手;hit a goal实现目标;hit the road出发;hit the book复习;hit the bed/sack/hay; hit up请求帮助。