牧羊少年奇幻之旅 24

牧羊少年奇幻之旅 24

2016-11-30    03'17''

主播: 楠楠一家的英语播客

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 The Alchemist 原文 (24) From where he sat, he could observe the plaza. People continued to come and go from the baker's shop. A young couple sat on the bench where he had talked with the old man, and they kissed. "That baker…" he said to himself, without completing the thought. The levanter was still getting stronger, and he felt its force on his face. That wind had brought the Moors, yes, but it had also brought the smell of the desert and of veiled women. It had brought with it the sweat and the dreams of men who had once left to search for the unknown, and for gold and adventure — and for the Pyramids. The boy felt jealous of the freedom of the wind, and saw that he could have the same freedom. There was nothing to hold him back except himself. The sheep, the merchant's daughter, and the fields of Andalusia were only steps along the way to his Personal Legend. The next day, the boy met the old man at noon. He brought six sheep with him. "I'm surprised," the boy said. "My friend bought all the other sheep immediately. He said that he had always dreamed of being a shepherd, and that it was a good omen." "That's the way it always is," said the old man. "It's called the principle of favorability. When you play cards the first time, you are almost sure to win. Beginner's luck." "Why is that?" "Because there is a force that wants you to realize your Personal Legend; it whets your appetite with a taste of success." Then the old man began to inspect the sheep, and he saw that one was lame. The boy explained that it wasn't important, since that sheep was the most intelligent of the flock, and produced the most wool. "Where is the treasure?" he asked. "It's in Egypt, near the Pyramids." The boy was startled. The old woman had said the same thing. But she hadn't charged him anything. "In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens. God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left for you."         牧羊少年奇幻之旅 参考译文 (24) 从他此刻坐着的地方,可以看着广场。人们从面包店进进出出。一对年轻的情侣正坐在他和老人曾坐过的板凳上,接着吻。 “那个面包师……”他想,却没再想下去。黎凡特风刮得更猛了,他可以感觉到风正吹打着他的脸。这风曾带来了摩尔人,带来了沙漠和罩着面纱的女人的气息,也带来了那些背井离乡去追求未知、黄金、冒险或者去看金字塔的男人的汗水和梦想。男孩对于风的自由心生嫉妒,同时他也看到,他自己也可以拥有同样的自由。没有任何东西可以阻挡他,除了他自己。羊群、商人的女儿、安达鲁西亚的草原,都不过是他追求个人使命的途中所走过的脚步罢了! 第二天中午,男孩去见老人,带了六只羊。 “我很惊讶,”男孩说,“我的朋友竟然立刻就买下了其它所有的羊。他说他一直梦想要当个牧羊人,说这实在是个好兆头。” “事情总是如此,”老人说,“这叫做幸运法则。当你第一次玩牌时,多半会嬴。这就是所谓新手的运气。” “为什么会这样?” “因为有一股力量希望你去实现自己的天命,它让你先尝点甜头,开开胃口。” 老人开始检查羊群,发现有一只羊是瘸腿。男孩解释说,不必太在意,因为它是羊群中最聪明的一只,而且它产毛最多。 “宝藏在哪里呢?”他问。 “在埃及,靠近金字塔的地方。”男孩吃了一惊。那个吉普赛女人也说过同样的事,却未向他收费。 “你要想找到宝藏,就必须遵从预兆。神已经为每个人铺好了路,你要做的是去读懂他留给你的预兆。”   Doctor霞读书心得:There was nothing to hold him back except himself. The sheep, the merchant's daughter, and the fields of Andalusia were only steps along the way to his Personal Legend. 没有人能阻挡,除了他自己。羊群、商人的女儿、安达卢西亚的田野……这些只不过是实现人个使命途中的风景。 成功者往往属于内归因的人。实现自己的梦想,最大的敌人是自己。然而在追寻梦想的途中,你会遇到很多诱惑,正如牧羊少年的羊群、他爱慕的女人以及广袤的田野。只有坚定自己的信念,才能让梦想照进现实。