牧羊少年奇幻之旅  28

牧羊少年奇幻之旅 28

2016-12-14    02'13''

主播: 楠楠一家的英语播客

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The  Alchemist 原文(28) At the highest point in Tarifa there is an old fort, built by the Moors. From atop its walls, one can catch a glimpse of Africa. Melchizedek, the king of Salem, sat on the wall of the fort that afternoon, and felt the levanter blowing in his face. The sheep fidgeted nearby, uneasy with their new owner and excited by so much change. All they wanted was food and water. Melchizedek watched a small ship that was plowing its way out of the port. He would never again see the boy, just as he had never seen Abraham again after having charged him his one-tenth fee. That was his work. The gods should not have desires, because they don't have Personal Legends. But the king of Salem hoped desperately that the boy would be successful. It's too bad that he's quickly going to forget my name, he thought. I should have repeated it for him. Then when he spoke about me he would say that I am Melchizedek, the king of Salem. He looked to the skies, feeling a bit abashed, and said, "I know it's the vanity of vanities, as you said, my Lord. But an old king sometimes has to take some pride in himself."   牧羊少年的奇幻之旅参考译文(28)   在塔里法的最高处,耸立着一座古老的堡垒,那是摩尔人盖的,从城墙上可以远眺非洲。那天下午,撒冷王麦基洗德来到城墙上,坐在那里,黎凡特风吹拂着他的脸。羊群还不习惯新的主人,又发生了这么大的改变,在一旁有些騷动不安。它们想要的只不过是食物和水。 麦基洗德目睹着一艘船推开波浪离开了港口。他再也不会见到那个男孩了,就像他在向亚伯拉罕收了十分之一的费用之后再也没见过亚伯拉罕一样。这是他的工作。 神是不该有欲望的,因为他们没有天命。然而,撒冷王却万分渴望男孩能够成功。 实在是太遗憾了,那个男孩会很快就会忘记我的名字的,他想到。我应该多说几遍,这样,当他提起我时,就会说我是麦基洗德,是撒冷王。 他仰望着天空,些许有点羞赧。他叹道,“主啊,我知道这是虚幻的,正如您所说的一样。但是一个老国王有时需要为自己感到自豪。” Doctor霞读书心得:晋职也是虚空,做到本分就好!(写在今年晋职教授落选之际) "I know it's the vanity of vanities ,as you said, my Lord. But an old king sometimes has to take some pride in himself." 主啊,我知道这是虚幻的,正如您所说的一样。但是一个老国王有时需要为自己感到自豪。 在中国的传统文化的儒释道三大主干中,又如何看待生命的意义呢? 《大学》开篇讲:“大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。”而要做到这一点,需要很深的慎独的功夫。君子慎独,必有所畏惧——孔子曰:“君子有三畏:畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人之言。小人不知天命而不畏也,狎大人,侮圣人之言。” 道家和佛家的相关的思想,此处不赘述。究其内涵,也都是看到了万事万物如梦似幻地存在,无常、虚空,若只追求有形有相的外在的东西,这些东西有一天必将幻灭。因此,人生的意义,应该是努力去合于天道,追求一种超越性的存在。 这些伟大的教导,总是惊人地相似。