Why Are You Running? "I'll race you to the corner, Ellen!" Annemarie adjusted the thick leather pack on her back so that her schoolbooks balanced evenly. "Ready?" She looked at her best friend. Ellen made a face. "No," she said, laughing. "You know I can't beat you —my legs aren't as long. Can't we just walk, like civilized people?" She was a stocky ten-year-old, unlike lanky Annemarie.   "We have to practice for the athletic meet on Friday—I know I'm going to win the girls' race this week. I was second last week, but I've been practicing every day. Come on, Ellen," Annemarie pleaded, eyeing the distance to the next corner of the Copenhagen street. "Please?" Ellen hesitated, then nodded and shifted her own rucksack of books against her shoulders. "Oh, all right. Ready," she said. "Go!" shouted Annemarie, and the two girls were off, racing along the residential sidewalk. Annemarie's silvery blond hair flew behind her, and Ellen's dark pigtails bounced against her shoulders. "Wait for me!" wailed little Kirsti, left behind, but the two older girls weren't listening. 任务1-1  译文 01 跑什么?   “艾琳,我们来赛跑,”安妮调整一下厚厚的皮书包,使书包稳稳地贴在背上,然后看一看她的朋友说,“你准备好了没有?”   艾琳做了一个痛苦的表情:“不要。”她说完,笑了,“我怎么能跑得过你?我的腿没有你的长。我们能不能像文明人一样,走路回家?”艾琳十岁,短小健壮,而安妮却又瘦又高。   “星期五要比赛,我们得练习练习才行。我上个星期五得了第二,这次一定要得第一名,所以我天天都在练习。艾琳,帮静忙嘛!”她一面说,一面向街头看,前面就是哥本哈根市街区的一个拐角。   艾琳犹豫了一下,然后点点头,把装着书的登山背包背正,说:“好吧,我就舍命陪君子。”   “各就各位,跑!”安妮喊了一声,两个人就从那条住宅区的人行道上一同跑起来。安妮金黄色的长发在背后飘扬,艾琳的两条黑色辫子也在肩头跳跃。   “等等我!”小克丽丝在后面追着叫,但是两个大女孩儿根本不理她。