任务1-14 Where Is Mrs. Hirsch? The days of September passed, one after the other, much the same. Annemarie and Ellen walked to school together, and home again, always now taking the longer way, avoiding the tall soldier and his partner. Kirsti dawdled just behind them or scampered ahead, never out of their sight. The two mothers still had their "coffee" together in the afternoons. They began to knit mittens as the days grew slightly shorter and the first leaves began to fall from the trees, because another winter was coming. Everyone remembered the last one. There was no fuel now for the homes and apartments in Copenhagen, and the winter nights were terribly cold. Like the other families in their building, the Johansens had opened the old chimney and installed a little stove to use for heat when they could find coal to burn. Mama used it too, sometimes, for cooking, because electricity was rationed now. At night they used candles for light. Sometimes Ellen's father, a teacher, complained in frustration because he couldn't see in the dim light to correct his students' papers. "Soon we will have to add another blanket to your bed," Mama said one morning as she and Annemarie tidied the bedroom. "Kirsti and I are lucky to have each other for warmth in the winter," Annemarie said. "Poor Ellen, to have no sisters." "She will have to snuggle in with her mama and papa when it gets cold," Mama said, smiling. 任务1-14译文 席尔斯太太到哪儿去了?   九月一天一天地过去了。安妮和艾琳仍然每天一同去上学,不过她们要转弯走更长的路,免得再碰到站在街角的德国兵。克丽丝不是走在她们后面,就是跑到前面,总是离她们不远。   她们的妈妈仍然经常在下午一起喝“咖啡”。白天越来越短,树叶逐渐凋落,她们两人都在加紧织毛手套,准备过冬。每个人都记得去年冬天,哥本哈根所有的房子和公寓都没有燃料烧火取暖。寒冷的冬夜冷得可怕。   像其他住在这栋公寓的人家一样,约翰生一家人把封住不用的旧烟囱打开,在下面放了一个很小的火炉,买到煤的时候,就用这个小火炉取暖。妈妈有时候也用这个小炉子烧饭炒菜。因为现在的电力是管制的,供应不足。到了晚上,他们就点蜡烛照明。艾琳的爸爸是老师,经常抱怨烛光太暗,他不能改学生的作业。   “不久,我们就需要给你们加床被子了。”一天早晨,安妮的妈妈叠被子的时候对安妮说。   “我和克丽丝冷时可以挤在一起取暖。”安妮说,“可怜的艾琳,她一个人可真冷死啦。”   “天太冷时她可以爬到爸妈的床上去。”妈妈笑着说。
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